General Information |
I've reworked several missions in the Good Campaign to
incorporate some of the new things the mod offers. The command
point limit has been significantly increased for both the Good
and Evil campaigns. While I don't have any plans to modify the
Evil campaign missions, I may make Gothmog and Ugluk available. |
Lothlorien |
- Haldir now arrives with the two Galadhrim hordes at the beginning
of the mission
- Voice-overs by Galadriel occur as the Fellowship moves closer
to the city
- Celeglin is waiting at the bridge, and Celeborn and Galadriel
are waiting in the city; they become usable once the Fellowship
enters the city
- Bridge assault waves are more than double their original
Helm's Deep |
- Hama and Gamling are available as heroes from the start
at level 3
- Eowyn cannot receive her armour upgrade, nor can she mount
her horse. She wears her Refugee Helm's Deep outfit
- Two extra build plots added behind the Deeping Wall
- Gamling says his nice little "Every villager able to
wield..." line about a minute or two into the mission
- Haldir enters with 8 battalions of Galadhrim Warriors at
level 4. He says his famous speech, rather than EA's unnamed
Elf captain
- Galadhrim Warriors have a different unarmoured skin than
their normal grey.
- You cannot purchase Galadhrim Warriors during the mission.
The 8 you start with and the only ones you'll have for the Rohan
army for the entire campaign.
- Isengard's armies are nearly three times their original size.
This increase comes mostly from the ladders, rams, swordsmen,
and pikemen. Watch out for the mines! It can be hard to spot
them until it's too late
- Gamling, Hama, and Haldir all continue the campaign with
the Rohan army
Minas Tirith |
- Gothmog now arrives with the first wave of Mordor,
mounted on his Warg.When he gets to his commanding position (just
outside of trebuchet range), he dismounts and stays there until
a way into the city is created.
- Catapults have less range than they used to (around 550,
rather than 650). Trebuchets range increased to match Catapult
- Three out of ever four Orc Warriors will have a Morgul orc
model and skin.
- There are now at least 10 times as many Mordor Orc
Warriors, Soldiers of Rhun, and Haradrim Warriors throughout
the mission. Six times as many Orc Archers, three times as many
seige towers, and twice as many Mumakil.
- Six Wall Trebuchets are prebuilt on the second level.
- Orc Archers now have random skins. 3 out of 4 have Morgul
armour for this mission.
- Seige Towers are now twice as hard to bring down due to increased
armour values.
- Grond is indestructable. Because it's too big to turn around
and leave the map after destroying the gate, Grond self destructs
about 30 seconds after the gate is destroyed.
- Main gates are not controlled by the player. They automatically
shut when Mordor begins to arrive, and cannot be opened again.
This is because Grond gets very confused when you open the gate
on it, leaving the ram blocking the way in.
- Wargs become part of the Mordor attack waves after the gate
is breached.
- Mordor attack waves are no longer affected by Command Point
limits. Re-enforcements arrive frequently to keep the player
on their toes.
Mirkwood |
- Castle base in the south west has been removed. Elven "shrine"
takes it place.
- As the player moves east from their starting point (a message
at the beginning of the mission will tell the player that Thranduil
is in the east), he/she will be assaulted by giant spiders. Depending
on how quickly the player moves, they may also be attacked by
part of the Mordor starting army. The spiders will attack anything,
including the Mordor forces.
- As the player moves further east, they will probably see
the rest of the Mordor starting army attacking some trees (Elven
Flets, to be exact).
- When the player is in sight of the Mirkwood Scout, Thranduil
(level 10) and six battalions of level 5 Mirkwood Scouts will
join them. The Flets (if any remain) will also be transfered
over to the player. At about this same time, a whole wack of
spiders will begin attacking the Elves. These spiders, like the
first group, will also attack anything.
- When the player moves south from the Elves' camp and approaches
the Mordor base outside of Dol Guldur, the map in that area will
be revealed, and the "host of Dol Guldur" will come
in and attack. The host includes lots of orcs and orc archers,
many trolls, a fair amount of Easterlings, and two Nazgul. All
these units have some upgrades.
- If the player gets very close to the base, a very, very large
amount of spiders will come out of the trees all around the base.
Some will attack anything, but most will only attack the player.
- After some time, a Lothlorien army will arrive just west
of Dol Guldur. This army includes Galadriel (level 10), Celeborn
(level 10), Celeglin (level 8), and 10 battalions of level 6
Galadhrim Warriors (all with Fire Arrow and Heavy Armor upgrades).
They will arrive under the cover of the "Blessings of the
Golden Wood" special power.
- Shortly after Lorien arrives, a wave of orcs, orc archers,
and spiders will arrive and attack them.
- A little while after that, a second wave will come again
from Dol Guldur, much like the first wave (only without the Nazgul).
- To win the mission, you must destroy both the Mordor base
and Dol Guldur itself. Only Galadriel, using her "Throw
Down Its Walls" ability can destroy Dol Guldur.
- If Galadriel dies, you lose the mission.
- No Elven units (minus those that were already in the player's
army (Haldir, Legolas, Helm's Deep Elves)) will join the players
army after the mission is complete.
- Music scripted to certain events: Elven theme when you enter
the south west "shrine"; Elven Alliance theme when
the siege of Dol Guldur begins; Charge of the Galadhrim theme
when the hosts of Celeborn arrive.
Eaves of Fangorn |
- Ugluk is now part of the enemy army. He will also take part
in the opening cinematics
- Evil forces have been increased in number.
Screenshots: |
Dunharrow |
Screenshots: |
Osgiliath |
Screenshots: |
Rhun |
Screenshots: |
Black Gate |
Screenshots: |