Arwen |
Overview: A rather versatile hero with a good variety
of special abilities. She has six different skins when on foot
and two when mounted which are randomly selected at the beginning
of a game. Playing dress-up has become cooler than ever before!
Cost: 2000
Special Abilities:
- Level 1: Mount. Screenshot 12
- Level 1: Daughter of Elrond -Gains a leadership bonus
when near Elrond
- Level 2: Noro Lim -Increases Arwen's mounted speed for
a short period of time. Screenshot 6
- Level 5: Evenstar -Frightens nearby enemies. Screenshot
- Level 6: Battle Garb -Armor bonus (not in palantir). Screenshot
- Level 6: Loudwater Fury -A magic attack that damages foes
in a small, targeted radius. Screenshots 3-5; Redone fx Screenshot
Screen Shots: The skins in shots 1-9 are void.
Elrond |
Overview: Not a particularly powerful attacking hero
until a high level. Elrond's main strength is his ability to
make nearby units gain much more experience than normal. Like
Arwen, he has two on-foot costumes. Note: Begins at Level 5.
Cost: 3500
Special Abilities:
- Level 1: Athelas -Heals nearby heroes and troops
- Level 1: Leadership -400% experience to all nearby troops
- Level 6: Vilya -Knocks back and holds target
- Level 8: Elven Wisdom -King's Favor with a greater radius
and much greater effect
- Level 8: Power of the Bruinen -A magic attack that damages
foes in a large, targeted radius. Screenshots 3 & 4
- Level 8: Lord's Armor -Armor bonus (not in palantir).
Screenshot 7
Screen Shots: Note: Model and skin in shots 1-5 are void.
Water horses model done by halbarad, animations by me.
Galadriel |
Overview: A very powerful and expensive hero. Even her
normal attack has a small AoE. Perfect for destroying enemy bases
in the late game. As with Elrond, she has two different costumes.
Note: Begins at Level 5 and takes more experience to gain rank
than normal heroes.
Cost: 5000
Special Abilities:
- Level 1: Elven Healing -Heals nearby heroes and troops
- Level 1: Leadership -A small leadership bonus that affects
both heroes and troops
- Level 1: Nenya -Does large amounts of damage against enemy
structures. Screenshot 5
- Level 6: Visions -Reveals the entire map for a few seconds
- Level 8: Life of the Valar -Protects Galadriel from harm
for 20 seconds
- Level 10: Power of the Lady -Word of Power. Screenshot
Screen Shots:
Celeborn |
Overview: A melee-exclusive hero. Best used in conjunction
with magic using heroes because of his Gifts of Celeborn ability.
Note: Begins at Level 5.
Cost: 3500
Special Abilites:
- Level 1: Cloak -Same as the hobbits' cloak
- Level 1: Gifts of Celeborn -Faster ability recovery and
health restore to nearby heroes
- Level 7: Guardian of the Wood -A knockback power that
sends nearby enemies flying. Screenshots 4 & 5
- Level 8: Summon Galadhrim -Summons Celeglin and a battallion
of Galadhrim Warriors
Screen Shots: Small skin and model modifications in shot
Haldir |
Overview: A hero that uses both bow and sword. If you
have used Vapula's Haldir in the past, this one will seem very
familiar. He has a cloaking ability when in a forest environment.
Cost: 1600
Special Abilites:
- Level 1: Toggle Weapons
- Level 1: Wounding Arrow. Screenshot 5
- Level 4: Leadership -Defensive bonus to nearby Mirkwood
and Lothlorien Elves
- Level 7: Elven Swordsman -Increases Haldir's attack rate
for a short period of time (sword only). Screenshots 3 &
Screen Shots: Note: Final version in shot 7. Thanks go
out to Vapula for the base of this model and skin. Final FINAL
version in shot 8. No Vapula stuff remains.
Glorfindel |
Overview: A very powerful melee hero. While Elrond,
Haldir, Celeglin, and Galadriel focus on raising the stats of
friendly troops, Glorfindel is specialised in demoralising the
enemy. Note: Begins at Level 5.
Cost: 4000
Special Abilities:
- Level 1: Mount
- Level 1: Leadership -Crush Deceleration bonus to nearby
- Level 1: Revealed in Wrath -Frightens enemies in a large
- Level 7: Armor of the Noldor -Armor upgrade. Screenshot
- Level 7: Fear of the Light -Decreases the attack and speed
of nearby enemies.
- Level 9: Light of the Noldor -Fires powerful blasts of
light to heavily damage armies. Screenshot 8
Screen Shots: New model in shots 5-7
Thranduil |
Overview: A melee hero with a set of rather unique abilities.
While his shield gives him higher defence against ranged attacks,
his lack of armor renders him more vulnerable to slashing attacks.
Note: Begins at Level 5.
Cost: 3000
Special Abilities:
- Level 1: Woodland Stealth -Stealthed when near trees;
not shown in the Palantir
- Level 1: Leadership
- Level 3: Wounding Strike -A melee attack that does damage
over time
- Level 6: Greenwood -Knocks back enemies in the targeted
radius and summons a tree
- Level 7: Strength of Oropher -Weapon deals radius damage
for a short period of time
- Level 8: Woodland Magic -Instantly transports Thranduil
to the target
Screen Shots:
Legolas |
Overview: The same Legolas we all know and love with
a new special ability and an armor upgrade.
Cost: 3000
Special Abilites:
- Level 1: Hawk Strike
- Level 2: Knife Fighter
- Level 5: Train Archers
- Level 7: Arrow Wind
- Level 8: Prince of Mirkwood -Summons three battallions
of Mirkwood Scouts
- Level 8: Prince of Mirkwood Armour -Armour upgrade (not
in Palantir). Screenshot 2
Screen Shots:
Cirdan |
Overview: Cirdan is not a full hero. He is purchased
from the Citadel, but you cannot select him. Instead, he stays
within the bounds of the Castle/Camp/Outpost and defends it on
his own.
Cost: 2000
Special Abilities:
- Level 1: Leadership -Nearby Havens units receive a moving
speed boost
Screen Shots:
Celeglin |
Overview: A hero who is only available through Celeborn's
Summon Galadhrim ability. He uses both bow and sword, though
his ranged attack is much stronger in most situations. When summoned,
he is at level 8 and does not gain any further levels.
Special Abilities:
- Level 1: Double Shot -Hawk Strike. Screenshot 5
- Level 1: Toggle Weapon
- Level 3: Elf Eyes -Nearby troops have greater vision and
attack ranges
- Level 5: Leadership -Attack bonus to nearby Lothlorien
Screen Shots: Note: Shots 1-3 are obsolete; New
skin shots 6-9.
Gamling |
Overview: A new Rohan hero. When on foot he wields a
long sword and is an archer when mounted. As the sole hero who
wields a bow from horseback, he'll definitely be someone to try
Cost: 1100
Special Abilities:
- Level 1: Toggle Mount
- Level 1: Fire Arrow -Shoots a single flaming arrow for
area damage. Increased damage against buildings
- Level 3: Veteran -Defensive bonus to nearby troops
- Level 6: Lead the Charge -Nearby mounted troops increase
their speed for a short time
Screen Shots:
Hama |
Overview: A new Rohan hero. Not a terribly powerful
hero, except when fighting near Theoden because of his King's
Guard ability. Uses a shield and sword when on foot and when
Cost: 1000
Special Abilities:
- Level 1: Toggle Mount
- Level 1: King's Guard -Hama has higher defense and attack
when near Theoden
- Level 5: Door Warden -Nearby structures have a slight
increase in defense
- Level 7: Royal Guards -Summons two battalions of Royal
Screen Shots:
Eowyn |
Overview: I was given the idea by Princess Eowyn at
the forums to give Eowyn some random skins like Arwen. She will
use her new model until level 3 where she switches over to her
Dernhelm costume and earns an armour bonus. I've also given her
a leadership ability; thanks go out to Princess Eowyn and HastyNancingEnt
for the idea.
Cost: 1200
Special Abilties:
- Level 1: Smite
- Level 1: Daughter of Kings -Armour and attack bonus to
nearby peasants
- Level 3: Dernhelm -Armour bonus. Screenshot 3
- Level 3: Mount
- Level 4: Disguise
- Level 5: Shield Maiden -Now adds 100% armour for a limited
Screen Shots:
Merry & Pippin |
Overview: Same old Merry and Pippin with a couple upgrades.
Cost: 100 (each)
Special Abilities:
- Level 1: Toggle Sword/Rock
- Level 1: Elven Cloak
- Level 4: King's Esquire / Service to the Steward -Passive
attack bonus. Screenshot 1
- Level 6: Knight of Rohan / Guardian of the Citadel -Passive
armor bonus. Screenshots 4&5
Screen Shots:
Frodo |
Overview: Frodo is now recruitable from the Gondor Citadel
in skirmish mode. He's been slightly improved with a couple new
abilities and is even better when used with Sam.
Cost: 300
Special Abilities:
- Level 1: Toggle Sting/Rock
- Level 1: Elven Cloak
- Level 1: One Ring
- Level 2: Phial of Galadriel
- Level 3: Mithril Vest -Frodo has a small, random chance
of deflecting a blow completely
- Level 5: Carry The Fate Of Us All -Leadership to nearby

Sam |
Overview: Like Frodo, Sam is now recruitable for Gondor
in skirmish mode. He too has been slightly improved with a couple
new abilites.
Cost: 150
Special Abilities:
- Level 1: Toggle Sword/Rock
- Level 1: Elven Cloak
- Level 1: Right With You Sir -Sam receives a +25% attack
bonus when near Frodo. Frodo receives a +25% defense bonus
- Level 3: Frying Pan Bonk -Hits single enemy for increased

Gothmog |
Overview: I found his model and skin while messing around
in WorldBuilder. All that I had to do was give him a skeleton.
Since he was an easy-to-create hero (ala - no modeling), I decided
to put him in the mod. He's basically a melee-only Lurtz more
focused on leadership than his own abilities.
Cost: 1500
Special Abilities:
- Level 1: Orc Bash -A powerful melee attack
- Level 1: Mount
- Level 2: Morgul Lieutenant -Armour bonus to nearby orcs
- Level 5: Siege Master -Attack and speed bonus to nearby
siege weapons
- Level 8: Spawn Orcs -Spawns 3 hordes of Morgul Orcs
Screen Shots: Note: Skin and model were done by EA Games.
Gil-Galad |
Overview: Not in the mod by default. He can be
easily modded in if the user so chooses to do so. A very strong
melee hero with high attack and defense. His spear attacks hit
multiple enemies at once. Note: Begins at Level 5.
Cost: 4000
Special Abilities:
- Level 1: Leadership -Increased attack and defense for
nearby troops
- Level 6: Aiglos -Increased attack and defense and (slightly)
decreased speed for 30 seconds
- Level 8: Final Stand -All nearby troops and heroes take
next to no damage for 15 seconds
- Level 9: Star of Ereinion -(passive) Enemy heroe abilities
take 3 times as long to recharge when in sight of Gil-Galad.
Gil-Galad's abilities take half as long to recharge.
Others |
Vapula's Ugluk has been added to the Isengard faction.
Theoden is given the Royal Guard summon ability at level 7.
All Good heroes (and Saruman) have been given new, high resolution
skins (see below).