1. Elven Armory.
2. All (normal) Elven heroes.
3. Arwen's new Cranberry outfit.
4. Galadhrim Warriors make an attack on a Mordor outpost.
5. Mirkwood banner amidst the trees of the castle.
6. Amroth's Knights, ready for battle.
7. Arwen leads the Mirkwood Scouts and Amroth's Knights against
8. Arwen's new Riding outfit.
9. Legolas and Celeborn.
10. Galadriel, Elrond, Arwen, Thranduil, and Glorfindel.
11. Avari Archers cover the Elven heroes.
12. Elven army.
13. The Elves wipe the last Mordor settlement in the area.
14. Hama and Gamling.
15 & 16. Gamling and the Rohirric archers.
17. Eowyn and Hama lead a charge of the Rohirrim.
18 & 19. Hama and the Royal Guards.
20. Merry in his new Rohirric garments.
21 - 23. Gothmog leads the Morgul Orcs against Gondor.
24. Sam bashes an orc's head in with his frying pan.
25. The new Gondor hero set.
26. Pippin atop the battlements of a Gondorian establishment. |