Elven Castle |
General: Lacking the high walls of the other good factions,
the Elven Castle is still a difficult base to attack. With more
defence plots than any other base in the game and walls that
allow for only four choke points, you'll need heavy siege equipment
to lay seige on the Elves.
- 8 building plots (build Elven Barracks, Lookout Tower, Rivendell
Stables, Elven Armory, Galadriel's Mirror, Tribute to the Valar,
Orchard, Flet)
- 16 defence plots (build Flet)
- 4 sections of wall (similar to the camp walls of Rohan)
- Small trees line the walls (stealth units can hide in these)
and surround citadel
Elven Camp |
General: Has no walls but still has more defence plots
than any other camp base.
- 6 building plots (build Elven Barracks, Lookout Tower, Rivendell
Stables, Elven Armory, Galadriel's Mirror, Tribute to the Valar,
Orchard, Flet)
- 8 defence plots (build Flet)
Screenshots: |
Elven Outpost |
General: Nothing special, just a normal outpost
- 3 building plots (build Elven Barracks, Lookout Tower, Rivendell
Stables, Elven Armory, Galadriel's Mirror, Tribute to the Valar,
Orchard, Flet)
Treehouse |
General: The Elven Citadel for the Castle.
- Recruits Heroes (Galadriel (5000), Celeborn (3500), Haldir
(1600), Elrond (3500), Glorfindel (4000), Arwen (2000), Thranduil
(3000), Legolas (3000), Cirdan (2000))
Screenshots: |
Citadel |
General: The Elven Citadel for the Camp and Outpost.
- Recruits Heroes (Galadriel (5000), Celeborn (3500), Haldir
(1600), Elrond (3500), Glorfindel (4000), Arwen (2000), Thranduil
(3000), Legolas (3000), Cirdan (2000))
Lookout Tower |
General: Scout troop generator.
- Costs 300 resources to build
- Recruit Sentinels from Woody End at level 1 (100)
- Recruit Mirkwood Scouts at level 1 (300)
- Defensive upgrade at level 3
Lorien Barracks |
General: Infantry troop generator.
- Costs 600 resources to build
- Recruit Spearmen of the Havens at level 1 (600)
- Recruit Galadhrim Warriors at level 2 (700)
Screenshots: |
Rivendell Stables |
General: Cavalry troop generator.
- Costs 800 resources to build
- Recruit Riders of Rivendell at level 1 (800)
- Recruit Amroth's Knights at level 1 (800)
- Purchase Horse Shields at level 2 (1200)
Screenshots (New model/skin in shots 2-5, compliments of
Drewry and Nertea):
Armory |
General: Purchases upgrades for the Elves.
- Costs 1500 resources to build
- Purchase Heavy Armor at level 1 (1200)
- Purchase Forged Blades at level 1 (1000)
- Purchase Fire Arrow at level 1 (1500)
- Purchase Banner Carrier at level 1 (300)
Individual upgrade costs:
- Heavy Armor - 450
- Forged Blades - 350
- Horse Shields - 400
- Fire Arrows - 500
Screenshots: New model and skin in shots 3&4
Galadriel's Mirror |
General: A normal fountain building (heals nearby units,
reduces cost of infantry).
- Costs 200 resources to build

Tribute to the Valar |
General: A normal statue building (gives leadership,
reduces the cost of heroes).
- Costs 150 resources to build

Flet |
General: A basic defence building. Can be built on both
normal plots as well as base defence plots. They don't stand
up to damage as well as other defence buildings (especially fire
- Costs 800 resources to build on normal
- Costs 500 resources to build on base
defence plots

Orchard |
General: The resource generating building of the Elves.
Unlike the Gondor and Rohan farms, the Orchard always starts
at level 1; however, it gains archer towers at level 3.
- Costs 350 resources to build in a base
- Costs 200 resources to build on an economy plot
- Defensive upgrade at level 3
Rohan Barracks |
General: As I've added more infantry to Rohan, I decided
to change the Rohan Archery Range into a Rohan Barracks.
- Costs 300 resources to build
- Recruit Yeoman Archers at level 1 (300)
- Recruit Eorlingas at level 1 (300)
- Recruit Royal Guards at level 2 (900)