The Elven Alliance: Community Edition 1.3 - May 2014 |
Welcome to Version 1.3 of The Elven Alliance: Community Edition!
The mod has been uploaded to the following locations for download:
Version 1.3 contains significant changes to the AI and campaign (both good and bad). The Hard Mode AI has been adjusted to be more balanced, and the campaign has been
adjusted for increased difficulty and challenges! More balance changes and bug fixes are included in Version 1.3. Finally, a camera system has been included in the mod.
A few things to note:
- You do NOT need any previous versions of TEA:CE installed to play this mod.
- You can view a complete change list of the mod here.
- If you have any questions about installation or have problems running the mod, please use this topic in our forums.
- You can view the official Elven Alliance forums here.
- Vote for this mod here.
- View our Moddb page here.
DISCLAIMER: If Celeglin does return and does not approve of the community edition project, the project will stop
immediately and the download will be removed. Also, the original version of Celeglin's mod will still be available
to download. It can be found here.
Various News Items - 25/01/07 |
It's been a while since the last news post, but I've
been having connection problems from the end of December through
the better half of January. But it's all fixed now.
The ModDB Awards were announced today. Though The Elven Alliance
didn't win anything, Mental
Omega another Revora mod for Command & Conquer: Yuri's
Revenge got an honourable in the Strategy Genre Award. Half-Life
2 mods nearly swept the Awards (again), but there were still
some great mods up there. Make sure to check out all the awards
here. Thanks for all your support, getting
into the Top 100 has to have been the biggest accomplishment
of this mod ever. Can't thank you all enough.
Make sure to check out the higher-resolution version of the
exclusive trailer I submitted to the Awards here.
In terms of the mod, a new release may be scheduled
for the near future, featuring further balancing and a completely
high-resolution Gondor faction. At the moment though, there isn't
enough new/changed content to justify making you all download
another huge file (as I can't quite get patches working).
Next, I have a little announcement for you all (make sure
to click the picture):
Anyone who frequents the forum will probably have seen plans
for this project already in the making, but here's the official
announcement. Once I feel that I've sufficiently completed work
on The Elven Alliance, I'm going to be working on The Last Twilight.
Call it a sequel, call it an expansion, whatever. In a nut shell,
the Elven faction will be split up into two factions (Eriador
and Rhovanion), allowing for lots more units and more heroes,
including the Sons of Elrond who are featured in the above teaser
poster. Work won't begin in The Last Twilight until the original
mod is completed, so please don't ask for progress until I give
As a final note, I may have to take a short break from modding
for a few weeks. I'm very busy with classes and shoots for the
next while. I'm also finding that motivation is hard to come
back lately. But don't worry, I won't "disappear" again. |
The Elven Alliance Makes ModDB
Top 100 - 15/12/06 |
Thanks to all you voters, The Elven Alliance has made
it through to the next round of the ModDB Mod of the Year Awards.
The Elven Alliance is one of the Top 100 Nominees out of the
4000+ mods at ModDB. Now you must vote again (or for the
first time, if you haven't already) in the new voting stage.
You guys have gotten me further than I ever dreamed, so let's
see what miracles you can accomplish in this round. Get friends
and family to vote if you can: every little bit counts!
"Boasting some of the greatest character skins
available in any Battle for Middle-Earth mod..." ~ ModDB |
Updated Beta RELEASED - 12/12/06 |
Here it is, the latest version of The Elven Alliance. This
update features the many changes made to Rohan since the last
release, as well as all the new models and skins for other factions
featured in updates. A full list of additions, changes, fixes,
and bugs can be found here.
A few things of note:
- you do NOT need the original release installed to install
the update
- if you already have the original installed, this will replace
the older version
- PLEASE read through the installer. It includes Installation
Troubleshooting as well as important terms of use information
- If you're still having problems after reading everything
included in the installer, make a post in the forums, and I'll
do my best to help you out
Also, if you haven't already done so, make sure to vote for
Elven Alliance for the ModDB Mod of the Year Awards. Many
thanks. Also remember to hit the "BFME Top 100" button
at the bottom of this page at least once a day (if you have the
time to kill). |
More Hero Reskins, New IRC Channel
- 28/11/06 |
Well, I've done it. I've reskinned pretty much all the
original good faction heroes (I, unfortunately, couldn't get
Aragorn's Fellowship and Helm's Deep outfits finished for the
update) plus Saruman. This update includes (from left to right)
Black Gate Aragorn, Boromir, Gandalf the Grey, Dernhelm/Eowyn,
Faramir, and Saruman, as well as a bunch of screenshots on this
revamped content. As a note, Faramir's mounted model is based
off his Prince of Ithilien/Coronation outfit, rather than his
standard battle armour.
I didn't bother doing captions this time around, as everything
is pretty self explanitory.
In other news, I have set up an IRC channel for The Elven
Alliance. For those who don't know what IRC is, it's basically
a series of chatrooms (channels) in which you can talk about
any number of things. To use IRC, you will need a client. There
are a number of these available on the net, and the one I use
is called mIRC.
Installation is quite easy and any problems can probably solved
on the mIRC site above. Here is a quick post by Blaat on how
to connect to The Elven Alliance IRC channel:
Connect to the server by typing: /server
in the window that opens on start up.
"After this you will have to choose a nickname. A nickname
isn't 'yours' in that you don't need to register for one (although
you can if you want, using the /nickserv command). You can just
change nicknames without trouble (to change your nick name, type
/nick and then the name you want to use). When you have it all
ready you can connect to an IRC server. You'll get some text
from the server and a text box. This box is where you type your
text, but IRC also offers a lot of commands that you can use
to do other interesting stuff.
One such command is the /join command (IRC commands always
start with a slash) which lets you join a channel." To join
the Elven Alliance channel type: /join #elvenalliance and you're
all set!
Alternatively - so long as you have mIRC installed - you
can simply click this link here:
I strongly encourage you to use the chatroom, especially
for idle chatter and to set up online games. And even if there
isn't anyone active in the channel, I ask that you leave the
channel open so that you're around for when somebody does come
by. This attempt to make your lives just a little easier can
only succeed with your participation. |
Original Heroes Reskins - 24/11/06 |
One common problem many people had with the Beta was
that the old Good faction heroes really didn't stand up well
when placed next to the new, high resolution skins of the likes
of Haldir, Eowyn, and Gamling. To fix this, I've decided to reskin
all the original Good heroes. So far I have done Eomer,
Theoden, Gimli, Gandalf the White (two updates ago), and Faramir.
Renders for these can be found below. I've also done Gandalf
the White's mounted variation and have also done 3 new variations
for Eowyn's unarmoured model, though I didn't bother making renders
for any of these.
Next in line: Faramir on his horse, Boromir, Gandalf the Grey,
and Aragorn. That should cover everyone. |
ModDB Awards - 16/11/06 |
ModDB is holding it's annual Mod of the Year Awards. While
there isn't much of a chance of The Elven Alliance getting anything
in any of the categories, I'd love to get some votes. Just click
the banner above and hit the Vote button on my mod's ModDB profile.
And while you're at it, how about you click on the ModDB Topsite
link just below and bump my site up there.
Thought it might be nice to give you guys some statistics
on how well we're doing here. From its separate sources, The
Elven Alliance has been downloaded nearly 3000 times since
release. Site hits have been increased dramatically, and this
site is the source of 80% of's traffic. Thanks
guys for making this a success! |
Large Update - 12/11/06 |
Lots to get through today, so let's get started.
The beta has been hugely successfull with thousands of downloads
so far and a dramatic spike in site hits. Thanks to everyone
who's given the mod a shot! I will be releasing another version
of the beta fairly soon that will fix the exploitable bugs.
I've done a good deal of unit revamping over the last while.
I've redone the Spearmen of the Havens with their own unique
armour, reminiscent of Gil-Galad (as they are a memorial unit).
At a request on the forums, I've also reskinned Gandalf the White.
Nertea donated a lot of new Rohirrim skins which I took
and made light/heavy armour version of, as well as some colour
randomisation. He also gave me some new Rohan shields, which
I've used for both the Rohirrim and the Peasants.
Speaking of Rohirrim, Rohan has been greatly reworked over
the past few days. The Elven Warriors have been (finally) removed
and the Archery Range has been replaced by Rohan Barracks. To
take the place of the Elven Warriors, I've added Eorlingas (anti-cavalry)
and Royal Guards (on foot, bow and sword). The Fire Arrow upgrade
has been shifted over to the Armory, and Peasants can no longer
receive Heavy Armor. More info on all these changes can be found
on the Units and Structures
Captions are on the Screenshots
On the website side of things, I've removed the Links page
and have moved all affiliates to the bottom of every page. In
place of the Links page, we now have a Campaign page giving information
on all new campaign items. On the forums I've created an Avatar
Gallery and am also taking requests for The Elven Alliance signature
images. |
BETA Now Available for Download
- 29/10/06 |
So I've been really busy with film school these past
few weeks and I felt guilty at the lack of... anything going
on here. So I've packed up the mod as is and put it up for download.
Please know that there are a large number of bugs still present
(most of which can be found in the included README). Also know
that the installer is not the most wonderful thing ever and may
appear to freeze up during installation: don't worry, just give
it a couple minutes.
Any questions/comments/reports (though the last won't really
be needed) can be brought to Beta thread at the forums. |
Hobbits and Riders - 07/10/06 |
I've added information to the Heroes
page on the four hobbit heroes. Both Frodo and Sam have received
some new abilities, while Merry and Pippin have a new upgrade.
I've redone all of EA's original hobbit stuff, while also creating
new versions of Merry and Pippin for their new upgrade.
I've never really been happy with the colour scheme that I
had used for the Riders of Rivendell. While I like the colours
themselves (and think they work well together), I didn't find
it fit with the films' and books' depictions of the culture.
Furthermore, I also wanted to work in the some of the armor and
clothing motifs I had created for the Rivendell heroes. So I've
redone the Riders of Rivendell. I've also added a weapon variation
for the Avari Bladesmen (name changed from Swordsmasters) and
did a render for both Avari units while I was at it.
As I side note, I've updated the Heroes, Units, and Structures
pages with proper prices. |
Buildings Screenshots - 25/09/06 |
It was pointed out in the forums that I've hardly shown
any screenshots that show off the new Elven buildings. So...
Here we are. I've also made a small change to Arwen's Asfaloth:
he now runs with an arched neck as he does in the films.
Captions are on the Screens page. |
Campaign Update #3 - 14/09/06 |
This update features the campaign mission Mirkwood,
though it could probably be renamed Dol Guldur with all the changes
I've made.
- Castle base in the south west has been removed. Elven "shrine"
takes it place.
- As the player moves east from their starting point (a message
at the beginning of the mission will tell the player that Thranduil
is in the east), he/she will be assaulted by giant spiders. Depending
on how quickly the player moves, they may also be attacked by
part of the Mordor starting army. The spiders will attack anything,
including the Mordor forces.
- As the player moves further east, they will probably see
the rest of the Mordor starting army attacking some trees (Elven
Flets, to be exact).
- When the player is in sight of the Mirkwood Scout, Thranduil
(level 10) and six battalions of level 5 Mirkwood Scouts will
join them. The Flets (if any remain) will also be transfered
over to the player. At about this same time, a whole wack of
spiders will begin attacking the Elves. These spiders, like the
first group, will also attack anything.
- When the player moves south from the Elves' camp and approaches
the Mordor base outside of Dol Guldur, the map in that area will
be revealed, and the "host of Dol Guldur" will come
in and attack. The host includes lots of orcs and orc archers,
many trolls, a fair amount of Easterlings, and two Nazgul. All
these units have some upgrades.
- If the player gets very close to the base, a very, very large
amount of spiders will come out of the trees all around the base.
Some will attack anything, but most will only attack the player.
- After some time, a Lothlorien army will arrive just west
of Dol Guldur. This army includes Galadriel (level 10), Celeborn
(level 10), Celeglin (level 8), and 10 battalions of level 6
Galadhrim Warriors (all with Fire Arrow and Heavy Armor upgrades).
They will arrive under the cover of the "Blessings of the
Golden Wood" special power.
- Shortly after Lorien arrives, a wave of orcs, orc archers,
and spiders will arrive and attack them.
- A little while after that, a second wave will come again
from Dol Guldur, much like the first wave (only without the Nazgul).
- To win the mission, you must destroy both the Mordor base
and Dol Guldur itself. Only Galadriel, using her "Throw
Down Its Walls" ability can destroy Dol Guldur.
- If Galadriel dies, you lose the mission.
- No Elven units (minus those that were already in the player's
army (Haldir, Legolas, Helm's Deep Elves)) will join the players
army after the mission is complete.
- Music scripted to certain events: Elven theme when you enter
the south west "shrine"; Elven Alliance theme when
the siege of Dol Guldur begins; Charge of the Galadhrim theme
when the hosts of Celeborn arrive.
Can I make a suggestion? Get to Thranduil as quickly as you
can. Captions, as always, are on the Screens
As a final note, Galadriel has finally been reworked to actually
look like the film's Galadriel. Hope you all like her now!